Health Promotion Across the Lifespan
In today’s healthcare landscape, there is an increasing focus on promoting health and preventing disease at every stage of life. As a leader in healthcare research, UConn is at the forefront of advances in behavioral, physiological, and social health sciences, with top experts in health behavior change interventions and policy advocacy. University programs advocate for healthy diets and physical activity throughout the lifespan, apply cutting-edge genetics and genomics research to healthcare issues, and leverage new technologies, including mobile apps, social media, and web-based interventions, to influence health behaviors using diverse quantitative and qualitative research methods.
For example, at the Institute for Collaboration on Health, Intervention, and Policy (InCHIP), UConn’s scientific research is driving advances in several health-related global health initiatives including food insecurity, weight-loss and physical activity promotion, gun injury prevention, pain management, and substance abuse issues, and application of new and emerging technologies to promote healthy life at all stages of development. The Korey Stringer Institute is an international leader in decreasing heat-related stress and preventing sudden death in the physically active.
UConn researchers also explore intersectional issues, like social determinants of health, that impact health equity and outcomes. In the behavioral and social health sciences, their work seeks to understand holistic well-being and help more people reach it. Utilizing varied methodologies, from advanced quantitative methods to mHealth and social media, UConn researchers are focused on tomorrow’s health for everyone.

Center for Advancement in Managing Pain (CAMP)
Develops effective pain treatments, with an emphasis on non-opioid approaches.

Center for Advancing Research, Methods, and Scholarship in Gun Injury Prevention (ARMS)
Facilitates high-quality, original gun injury and violence prevention scholarship.

Center for Applied Research in Human Development (CARHD)
Improves outcomes for sociodemographically marginalized populations by informing and evaluating interventions intended for public benefit.

Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Service (UCEDD)
Supports individuals with disabilities and their families in obtaining the services and resources they need to live fulfilling lives in the community, through research, evaluation, and public policy analysis.

Center for mHealth & Social Media
Explores novel applications of digital technologies to health problems, developing new methodologies with digital health tools to conduct clinical research.

Center for Population Health
Focuses on monitoring health trends and improving healthcare outcomes across diverse populations.

Center on Aging
Increases knowledge of the aging process and discovers new strategies to promote the functional health and quality of life of older adults.

Collaboratory on School & Child Health (CSCH)
Facilitates innovative and impactful connections to advance equity in school and child health.

Health Disparities Institute (HDI)
Tackles the root causes of health inequities and implements sustainable solutions with disproportionately impacted communities.

Institute for Collaboration on Health, Intervention, and Policy (InCHIP)
Conducts innovative research that impacts human health and well-being from numerous analytical lenses and approaches.

Institute for Sports Medicine
Evaluates the effectiveness of current sports medicine practices and develops evidence-based intervention programming to improve the health and well-being of athletes.

International Center for Life Story Innovations and Practice (ICLIP)
Brings together researchers, historians, and others from around the world to promote health and well-being through the emerging field of life stories.

Korey Stringer Institute (KSI)
Develops practical strategies to prevent sudden death in sport, military, and labor, and promotes health in the physically active.

Musculoskeletal Institute
Conducts research on bone repair, osteoporosis, cartilage metabolism, soft tissue repair, stem cell therapies, tissue engineering, and more.

Nursing and Engineering Innovation Center
Promotes new healthcare technology innovations through collaboration between nursing and engineering.

Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health
Promotes solutions to food insecurity, poor diet quality, and weight bias through research and policy.

Zwick Center for Food and Resource Policy
Provides economic analysis for problems related to food, environment, energy, and sustainable economic development.